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Participate in Research

Our research is focused on improving behavioral assessment and intervention of aphasia and other neurological communication disorders. Current projects focus on understanding how cognitive and emotional demands affect communication, leveraging technology (including AI) to improve assessment and intervention of aphasia, and testing Relationship-Centered Communication Partner Training for aphasia.

What will you be asked to do?

The research in our lab is behavioral, which means that you will be asked to perform different tasks that involve talking, listening, and responding to questionnaires. Study sessions most often last from 1 to 3 hours. Intervention studies may ask for a prolonged period of participation over the course of multiple consecutive weeks. Participants often receive a small amount of money in the form of cash or a gift card as a token of our appreciation. As each study is unique, detailed information will be provided before we schedule a session.

Where does the research take place?

For most of our studies, you can choose whether to meet in the Aphasia Research Group facilities on BYU campus or in your home. Some studies will also allow you to participate remotely (e.g., over Zoom). The Aphasia Research Group labs are all located in the John Taylor Building (1190 N 900 E, Provo, UT). Please click here for information about directions and parking.

How will I know if I am a candidate?

If you have difficulty finding words because of damage to the left hemisphere of your brain, then you are likely a candidate for one of our studies. We encourage you to contact us or join the registry. If you would like to contribute to aphasia research and have no history of neurological damage, you will likely qualify as a control participant.

Currently Enrolling:

Are you a student interested in research?

Fill out this form, which will be submitted to Dr. Tyson Harmon. His lab manager will reach out to you when an opening on a research team becomes available.